Grid Square

A devoted HAM radio amateur is looking for attributes of his passion wherever he is. For me, when travelling, I always explore the skyline and roofs of houses in search of the familiar outlines of amateur radio antennas, looking out for people wearing t-shirts and caps with the call signs to say hello and have a chat with fellow radio enthusiasts.
Grid Square app was created to provide the user with HAM-related information in the current location, wherever he is — QTH locator, nearby grid squares, points of interest and some random call signs in the area.

The view of Half Moon Bay from the Cessna-172. At the control wheel is my son Sergiy (ex UR3PFX)
 And what does the «Grid Square» application know about this place?  As you see, it’s not such a “terra incognita”. Information is provided in three boxes:

In CM87sl

- CM87sl  WWFF: KFF-3439  Half Moon Bay
- CM87sl  Call signs: AF6MN  KK6VGE...

Nearby:  CM87(rm,sm,tm,rl,tl,rk,sk,tk)

- CM87rm WWFF: KFF-0647  Golden Gate
- CM87rm WWFF: KFF-3540  Point Montara Light Station
- Call signs: W6EZE in CM87rm, K6AIY  K9TAZ KN6BHH KN6IPE in CM87sk, ... 

In CM87: An overview of all topics

Currently, the application database contains information on the following topics:
- Beacons (ham radio beacons)
- Call signs (some random call signs related to this locator)
- National parks and reserves
- Lighthouses



The database is loaded when the application is installed and there is no need to connect to the Internet to receive information, which makes you completely independent of the means of communication anywhere in the world. The database currently contains information for the Germany, Poland and USA, and will be constantly updated for new countries and new topics.

Information about the distance to your home location will appear after you save your home location. To do this, you need to use the application settings(menu). You can change it anytime, anywhere. A compass will help you navigate the terrain. By clicking on the button in the lower right corner of the screen you can see in detail the location of adjacent Grid Squares and the relative position of the sub-square within the Grid Square.

Thanks to my son Serhiy for the mentoring and comprehensive support and helping of the project, and my son Andriy for his help in preparing the database. Patience, language support and the cooking of tasty and healthy food of my wife Natalia also contributed to the implementation of this project. I hope the application will be fun and useful for radio amateurs, and active feedback will help improve the functionality of the application, expand and refine the databases.

Thanks to:

Global Mountain Activity

"Protected Areas / WWFF References" by GMA is licensed under CC-BY-SA 


World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio

World Wide Lighthouse On The Air

World Wide Flora & Fauna group

Global Mountain Activity

Lista obszarow SPFF


WWFF-KFF- United StatesWorld Wide Flora and Fauna


Notice! The app is currently available in Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA

Get it on Google Play


A few examples:

Santa Cruz area

Lake Tahoe area



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good evening, when will it be for Ukraine?

    1. Доброго вечора, Юрій. Планую у вересні, жовтні. Раніше малоймовірно, але не відкидаю і такий варіант. 73!

  3. I recently downloaded after watching a video by K6ARK. he was using Grid Square.
    I am curious if you are still working on this. If yes, POTA would be a great addition.
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your interest in my App. I'm working on it. Sorry for the late reply
